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LCD panel quality

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The LCD panel can be divided into A, B, C three grades according to the quality, the hierarchical basis that is the number of how many dead. But there is no relevant international mandatory provisions, so the level of standards in various countries and regions are not the same. Usually case, the number of dead pixels LCD panel in less than five is the A-Grade, the number of dead pixels more than five compared to less than 10 A to B, the number of dead pixels in more than 10 belongs to  C -Grade
 panel. Principle of A-Grade panel the most suitable to manufacturing of the production of displays, but production of LCD panels B level panel is inevitable thing, so this kind of  B-Grade panel and most of them will also be digested by the brand-name display manufacturers. The C level panel is not suitable for the production of the display, mostly cut into a small area of the liquid crystal panel used in other areas. But there are very few liquid crystal display manufacturers will use the C panel, two or three years ago, there have been low quality LCD monitors disrupt the market turmoil. Of course, in addition to the number of pixels in the number, B and C panel in other areas can not be compared with a panel. Compared with a grade a panel, the relative brightness of the B and C panels is relatively uneven, the relative lack of color saturation, poor image color ability, appearance and even there may be damage. In addition to the use of professional instruments to determine the level of the liquid crystal panel, consumers can also use the naked eye to distinguish. The best use of the known class a panel comparison, B and C level panel will now show the prototype. In addition, the panel manufacturers will also be divided into A++, A+, A, these three steps, the best quality of the LCD panel is suitable for consumers with higher quality requirements. Under normal circumstances, the A-Gradepanel of scotoma number less than 3, highlight the number is less than 3, and the sum of bright and dead pixels less than 5; a + level panel scotoma number less than 3, and the entire screen no highlights, bad pixel quantity is less than 3; + + level panel neither bright nor scotoma, the number of dead pixels is 0. A small number of liquid crystal display manufacturers claim that their products do not have a bright spot, the liquid crystal display is used in the A+ panel.