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Why Innolux and AUO fell: the panel price has reached the high point, the next 3 years will continue

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In February 13, 2017, AUO and Innolux two panel manufacturers AUO stocks fell close to 11.9 yuan, down 0.45 yuan, the group is close to 12.35 yuan, down 0.65 yuan. Good global LCD price rise? Say the world panel spring?
In theory, the current global face of the panel industry is indeed in short supply, and this situation is also exacerbated. 2017 years in February, some suppliers choose price strategy, which makes the global panel procurement prices soared. The first quarter of this year should be off-season, the results were made by these manufacturers like a season.
However, the current panel prices have risen to the highest peak in the next 3 years, that is, to explain the year and behind, the panel price will only fall, and even the second half of 2017 have no room for growth. A report said, Samsung second to seven generation line will also consider the second half of 2017 closed, and China new investment of 10 and 11 generation line capacity to 2019 will leave the production capacity, the overall panel supply shortage in 2017 to maintain.
But in 2018 the situation began to oversupply, the time came in 2019 is more demanding situation will be more serious. Moreover, due to the current panel prices have reached the next 3 year high, the second half of 2017, prices have not much space, for the interest rate and AUO and Innolux shareholder returns, as of 2019 will show a decline in the state every year.
The report further pointed out that Foxconn investments SHARP panel supply interruption, to allow Samsung to consider closing the L-7-2 LCD production line, estimated 2018 capacity would increase 3%. At the same time, another Han LG Display 8 generation line factory, will increase the production capacity of the other 30 thousand groups, to meet the requirements of the Samsung turn, it is estimated that in 2018 production capacity increased by 0.5%. At the same time, including China manufacturer BOE, Huaxing, Hon Hai and SHARP's the Osaka Sakai factory (SDP) and other manufacturers a total investment of $24 billion for the 10 to the 11 generation of advanced plant, production capacity is expected to be out in succession in 2019 will be the case, the foreign capital estimates, 2017 to 3 years in 2019, the panel demand is expected to reach 4% of the growth rate of all. However, the supply of 3 years, respectively, grew by 3%, 6%, to the state of 11%, showing the oversupply of its panel supply situation.
In fact, there is no big change in the terminal market, most of the growth of the panel industry from the existing product iteration, not expansion. On the one hand, we can say that the pace of social progress is not imagined fast, consumer electronics products are still in the middle stage of development, on the other hand attributed to this session of consumers do not.
The panel market due to Terry Gou war factory of Korea and becomes hot, and Hon Hai SHARP a series of aggressive behavior will inevitably lead to today's construction situation. Is the so-called a monk fetching water to drink, two monks carry water to drink, Everybody's business is nobody's business. In fact, the responsibility is not entirely: if Terry Gou does not come from the Foxconn, Samsung until today still in charge of the LCD market, now the situation is far less than the unhealthy development of strong.
By the way, Trump manufacturing policy may seriously affect the balance of the panel manufacturers in 2017, if a large number of suppliers to the United States, so the cost of the panel price will be greatly improved, both customers and consumers, this is a bad news.