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What are the pixels of LCD PANEL

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    What is the LCD screen pixel, pixel is a unit, generally speaking, the naked eye can not see. How can we see the pixels of LCD? That is, if the LCD image is magnified several times, you will find a lot of small square dots, which are actually the so-called pixels.
A pixel is a unit
    The pixels of liquid crystal display screen are used to calculate the digital impression. Like the photos taken, the digital impression also has a continuous intensity gradient. If the impression is enlarged several times, it will be found that these consecutive colors are actually composed of many small squares near the color.
A pixel is an LCD lamp
   The LCD splicing unit of LCD is a full-color screen, and red, green and blue are the basic colors in the color. Because the LCD screen has many colors to realize, it needs to combine the three lights to form a pixel.
Pixels are divided into real pixels and virtual pixels
     In addition, the pixels of LCD include real pixel display and virtual pixel display. The two technologies are different. The virtual display adopts the virtual pixel technology, that is, LCD multiplexing technology is adopted. The same LCD LED can be combined four times (bottom, bottom, left and right), Generally speaking, the pixel is a kind of unit. The pixels of the current LCD are basically 1920 * 1080, and the pixel of the Department display can be as high as 3840 * 2160. The higher the pixel, the clearer the display.